Vehicle Recovery

Vehicle Recovery
In the event of non fault road accident, if you feel your vehicle is not road worthy and you need its recovery to one of ours safe places or to network of our partner garages. Auto Assist can provide assistance and can take hassle away from you.
Should you require our services please
Call us : 03335777736
Whats app : 07967136785

What you should do?
Involving in a car accident, no matter how minor, can be awful. It is so easy to forget to take down the necessary details for insurance cover.
1. You may need to call the police
Call 999 as soon as possible if any people or animals are injured due to accident and car accident is blocking the road. If emergency response is not required you may call 101.
2. Note down other person’s vehicle registration.
Without it, claims can’t be made on the other person’s insurer that is why is it very important you remember to get the registration number.
3, Take pictures of other person’s vehicle with registration number Ideally if you can take following details of other person involved.
- Full name
- Registration
- Phone number
- Address
- The name of their insurance
If you can, try and get the make, model and colour of their vehicle, too. If the accident involves a commercial vehicle with clear sign writing, the company name can also be helpful to your insurer.
4. Ask any witnesses for their information
5. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible